Systemwide Human Resources
University of California Wins Brandon Hall Group Excellence Gold Award for the Best Advance in Women’s Leadership Development

The 2018 Brandon Hall Group Excellence in Awards for Learning and Development, Talent Management, Leadership Development, Talent Acquisition, Workforce Management and HR and Sales Performance Awards.
University of California, an international leader in innovative public research, won a coveted 2018 Brandon Hall Group Excellence Gold Award for the “Best Advance in Women’s Leadership Development” category for the University of California Women’s Initiative for Professional Development.
In 2014, the UC Systemwide Advisory Committee on the Status of Women (SACSW) recommended to President Napolitano that UC develop a systemwide program for women’s professional development. With presidential support, SACSW engaged Systemwide Human Resources and Talent Management, which supports integrated talent management processes and programs across all UC locations, to develop and manage the systemwide UC Women’s Initiative for Professional Development (UC WI). Systemwide Human Resources and Talent Management partnered with Coro Northern California (Coro), a non-profit organization that provides leadership development training primarily to the public sector, to design and deliver the program that began in 2015. UC WI will have over 250 UC women who have completed the program by the end of 2018, and an additional 180 women are anticipated to complete the program in 2019.
The UC WI program purpose is to empower women to advance in their careers at UC and retain women who have demonstrated the potential for advancement. It is unique in that participants are mid-career individual contributors and people managers who are women faculty, academic personnel, and staff from all 18 UC locations (campuses, health systems, Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, Division of Agriculture and Natural Resources, and Office of the President). Participants are nominated based on having demonstrated the potential for advancement. The interactive program enhances their knowledge, skills, and confidence in the following:
- Building strategic relationships
- Actively communicating their value to the organization
- Advocating for their needs in the workplace
- Demonstrating their value to the organization by coaching others
- Increasing awareness of diverse UC career paths
“Systemwide Human Resources and Talent Management has worked hard at advancing female talent in the workplace over the years as one of its primary strategic objectives. We are proud to be recognized by the awarding organization for our achievements. It also reflects the commitment of the talented women that help this form and participate currently in this program,” said Dwaine B. Duckett, Vice President, Systemwide Human Resources.
Brandon Hall Excellence Awards winners will be honored at Brandon Hall Group’s HCM Excellence Conference, January 23-25, 2019.
About Brandon Hall Group
Brandon Hall Group is a HCM research and advisory services firm that provides insights around key performance areas, including Learning and Development, Talent Management, Leadership Development, Talent Acquisition, and HR/Workforce Management. With more than 10,000 clients globally and 20 years of delivering world-class research and advisory services, Brandon Hall Group is focused on developing research that drives performance in emerging and large organizations, and provides strategic insights for executives and practitioners responsible for growth and business results.