Graduate Studies
The Council of Graduate Deans (CoGD) is comprised of graduate division deans from each of the ten UC campuses. CoGD serves to strategically influence graduate education at UC and beyond. The graduate deans work to address key issues impacting graduate studies at UC, such as student support and program competitiveness. They also work on behalf of advocacy for graduate education. CoGD efforts are supported by campus graduate division staff and UCOP staff. Dean Peter Biehl of UC Santa Cruz currently serves as CoGD Chair.
Council of Graduate Deans
The Graduate Dean from each of UC's ten campuses serves on the Council of Graduate Deans (CoGD).
UC Berkeley Graduate Division Link
Lisa García Bedolla, Vice Provost and Dean of the Graduate DivisionExecutive Assistant: Wesley Lu; Phone: 510-642-5472
UC Davis Office of Graduate Studies Link
Jean-Pierre Delplanque, Vice Provost for Graduate Education and Dean of Graduate StudiesUC Irvine Graduate Division Link
Jaymi Lee Smith, Interim Vice Provost for Graduate Education and Dean of Graduate StudiesExecutive Assistant: Christine N. Fox
UCLA Graduate Division Link
Brian Kite, Dean and Vice Provost of Graduate EducationExecutive Assistant: Paris McDonald; Phone: 310-206-5268
UC Merced Graduate Division Link
Hrant Hratchian, Vice Provost and Dean Of Graduate EducationExecutive Assistant: Ashley Eagleson; Phone: 209-228-2248
UC Riverside Graduate Division Link
Lidia Kos, Dean of the Graduate DivisionExecutive Assistant: Brittney Sevallos; Phone: 951-827-6119
UC San Diego Graduate Division Link
Judy Kim, Interim Dean of the Graduate DivisionExecutive Assistant: Sheila Graves; Phone: 858-534-6655
UC San Francisco Graduate Division Link
Nicquet Blake, Dean of the Graduate Division and Vice Provost for Student Academic AffairsExecutive Assistant: Veronica Nepveu; Phone: 415-514-2440
UC Santa Barbara Graduate Division Link
Leila Rupp, Interim Anne and Michael Towbes Graduate DeanExecutive Assistant: Debra Vance; Phone: 805-893-4651
UC Santa Cruz Division of Graduate Studies Link
Peter Biehl, Vice Provost and Dean, Division of Graduate StudiesExecutive Assistant: Barbara Smee; Phone: 831-459-5079