Helen Barahona

GFI Fellow - Class of 2021

Undergraduate student, political science
UC Irvine


2021-22 GFI student fellow

As the GFI Food Recovery Fellow at FRESH Basic Needs Hub, UCI, Helen will lead operational communications and engagement efforts with a commitment to sustainability practices at the FRESH Hub. The Food Recovery Fellow’s role is to coordinate engagement activities and create content to communicate the impact of FRESH’s signature food recovery efforts: The Harvest Project, FRESH Hub Food Donations, and the Grocery Rescue Program. The Harvest Project is a partnership developed with UC South Coast Farm to harvest locally-grown produce at the farm and make them available for FRESH pantry clients. The Grocery Rescue Program lifts partnerships with local grocery stores to recover food that would otherwise go to waste and make it available at the food pantry at FRESH. The Fellow will facilitate communications to sustain and increase visibility of these programs in multiple spaces. The Fellow will also seek opportunities across campus to uplift coordinated efforts to increase sustainability practices at UCI.