Moving Beyond the Institution: Analyzing Barriers to the Retention, Attrition, and Persistence of Underrepresented Minority Faculty at UCSB. Research.

UC Santa Barbara, 2019-2020

Project Principal Investigators

Sharon Tettegah, Professor and Director of Center for Black Studies Research

Terrance Wooten, Assistant Professor

Anne Charity-Hudley, Professor

Project Abstract

This research project examines how psychosocial factors inform the decisions that URG faculty make about their relationship to UC Santa Barbara. Utilizing an ecological model that focuses on interactions between individuals, communities, social structures, and the environment, this research will operate in three phases: an historical analysis of demographic shifts of UC Santa Barbara since the passing of the Civil Rights Act of 1964; an intersectional analysis of the 2014 Campus Climate Survey data for the campus; and an intersectional examination of retention, attribution, and persistence of underrepresented faculty over the last twenty years through semi-structured interviews. It seeks to address why underrepresented faculty are leaving UC Santa Barbara, why some are staying, and what resources and strategies the campus can use to more efficiently address faculty diversity issues in a more holistic way that builds off existing strengths and establishes new action plans for areas of weakness.

Project Link: 

Scholarship Publication: 
