Data Leadership and Intervention Strategies for More Equitable Faculty Service Workloads

UC Santa Barbara, 2020-2021

Project Principal Investigators

Heather Stoll, Sarah Anderson, Elizabeth Belding, and Aida Hurtado

Project Abstract

Service is a significant climate, recruitment, and retention issue for underrepresented faculty members at UCSB. Faculty service workloads include department and campus committee and leadership service, as well as mentoring responsibilities. This project proposes to collect and analyze comprehensive data on service workloads and climate more generally, as well as on modified workloads under family accommodation policies, to rectify the dearth of available information. This information will be disseminated and used to inform both policy and a faculty workload intervention program modeled on that of O’Meara et al. (2018, 2019; 2015 NSF ADVANCE). The resulting data collection instruments, templates, and processes have scale-up potential across the campus and UC system.

Project Link: 

Scholarship Publication: 

Heather Stoll, Michele McLaughlin-Zamora, and Sara E. Anderson, 2022, "Concrete Diversity Initiatives in Political Science:  A Faculty Workload Intervention Program," PS:  Political Science & Politics 56 (1):  137-142.
