Color analyzers

Color analyzer tools help developers determine if color schemes provide an appropriate level of contrast. Take UC's Accessible Color Contrast training or explore WebAIM'sContrast and Color Accessibility article to learn more about this topic.

  • WebAIM Contrast Checker (free): Enter the foreground and background colors to evaluate the contrast between them. Colors can be entered using their hexadecimal color codes or by clicking on the color swatches to open color panels and access RGB and HSL input fields; if you open this tool within Chrome or Edge, you'll even have an eyedropper, color sampling tool available to you in those panels. Use the Lightness sliders to modify your colors and find compliant variants. Scroll down to the Explanation section for a reminder of the relevant WCAG measurements and standards.
  • TPGi Colour Contrast Analyser (CCA) (free): Unlike the previous two tools, this tool is a desktop application, so once installed, it can be used even when you don't have an internet connection. It also allows you to input colors using hexadecimal color codes, as well as RGB and HSL values, and to modify your input colors using various setting sliders.

  • Juicy Studio Color Contrast Analyzer (free): Another web-based contrast checking tool that allows you to enter the hexadecimal color codes for two colors, to find the contrast between them.