Electronic Accessibility
Voluntary product accessibility template (VPAT) for use when procuring non web-based products/services
Procurement guidelines are available to help the UC community assess the accessibility of products/services being considered for purchase. UC recommends adherence to the WCAG 2.0 guidelines for products/services.
For non-web-based products/services, it is recommended that UC have suppliers respond to an RFP and complete relevant sections of the Voluntary Product Accessibility Template, or VPAT®, a form produced by the Information Technology Industry Council on Accessibility to help buyers assess a product’s conformance with accessibility standards and guidelines. UC uses the WCAG version: VPAT 2.4 WCAG (Document download).
Alternatively, UC may include relevant questions from the applicable sections of the VPAT®. Sample initial text is provided in the procurement guidelines for requiring vendors to complete the VPAT®. Buyers should adapt the text for their particular needs.
For more information about including the VPAT® in RFPs, contact the IT Strategic Sourcing team at UCOP.