Academic Personnel at UCOP will facilitate connections among the six projects to ensure these initiatives make a difference in our recruitment and retention of women and underrepresented women in STEM faculty positions.
ADVANCE Program for Equity and Diversity
Location: UC Irvine
Program Director: Doug Haynes
The mission of UCI ADVANCE is to promote an inclusive culture for faculty and graduate student excellence. A dedicated team of faculty equity advisors and graduate program mentors carry out this mission in the 11 general campus schools. This distinctive model of peer-to-peer collaboration is designed to advance excellence through an intentional commitment to equity and diversity in areas that are critical to the current faculty and professoriate of the future. http://advance.uci.edu
Tools for CHANGE: Stepping Up Retention of Women in the Academic STEM Pipeline
Location: UC Berkeley and UC Hastings
PIs: Mary Ann Mason and Joan Williams
Tools for Change will provide solid economic data to compare the costs of implementing best-practice policies with the costs of a “leaky” pipeline; disseminate knowledge about the kind of challenges faced by women of color in STEM that are different from those faced by white women; build “workshops-in-a-box” that can be used at institutions and meetings across the country; and disseminate survey protocols and trainings already developed by UC’s Faculty Family Friendly Edge and the Center for Worklife Law. http://toolsforchangeinstem.org
Moving Forward for Women in STEM Fields at UCR and Beyond
Location: UC Riverside
PI: Yolanda Moses
With support from the NSF PAID program, UCR has established the FORWARD (Faculty Organization for Women’s Advancement, Recognition and Development) program, which promotes the professional advancement of women STEM faculty, particularly women faculty of color, at UC Riverside, as well as throughout the UC system, California State University, and California Community Colleges. The specific objectives of the program are to develop a database to inform decisions regarding recruitment and retention of women faculty; convene an annual retreat and relevant activities to provide leadership and professional development; and conduct a series of workshops targeted toward the unique interests of women of color. http://diversity.ucr.edu/paidUC Merced ADVANCE/IT Catalyst GROW-STEM: Gaining Representation of Women (GROW) – Systematically Transforming Excellence in Merced (STEM)
Location: UC Merced
PI: David Ojcius
The UC Merced project has three specific aims: collect baseline data on the status of women in STEM fields at UC Merced, including identification of specific barriers to their recruitment, retention, and advancement; collaborate with other exemplary campuses to identify best practices that have the potential to improve the climate for women STEM faculty at UC Merced; and develop a data-driven plan to improve the work climate for women STEM faculty at UC Merced and increase the numbers and diversity of faculty in STEM fields.
Different Trajectories: A Longitudinal Study of Organizational and Departmental Factors Leading To Gender and Race Differences in STEM Faculty Advancement, Pay and Persistence
Location: UC San Diego
PIs: Mary Blair-Loy and Jeanne Ferrante
Principal Investigators are conducting a longitudinal study about how disadvantages for women, minorities, and LGBT (lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender) faculty in STEM fields accrue over time. They analyze how individual, departmental, and disciplinary factors translate into inequalities in salaries, advancement, productivity, and sense of conflict between work and family. The research question is how gender and racial inequality is created, reproduced, and redressed at UC. http://crgp.ucsd.edu
Institutional Transformation to Build and Sustain a Diverse Community of Innovative STEM Scholars
Location: UC Davis
PI: Linda Katehi
The UC Davis ADVANCE program is rooted in the premise that multiple perspectives from both gender and cultural diversity can increase UC Davis’ contributions to STEM research. A key goal of the early phase of the project will be a national survey of Latina doctoral students to measure their career choices and perceptions of academic versus nonacademic careers. The program will establish CAMPOS (the Center for Advancing Multicultural Perspectives on Science), a new campus hub for scholarly and cultural interaction among STEM scholars on campus. http://ucd-advance.ucdavis.edu/