UC International Travel Risk Management Assistance

International travel risk management assessment and guidance is provided to different degrees at each UC campus. To learn what resources are available to travelers and international activity leaders from your campus, contact the designated Travel Risk Manager.

Travel registration is an important risk management tool for university-related travel. If an emergency occurs in your travel destination, this is how your campus Risk Management office will know you are there. Travel registration also enrolls you to receive travel alerts from UC’s security provider, Crisis24. Travel registration is required for all university-related foreign travel, regardless of US State Department Travel Advisory Level or travel purpose. Travel booked via Concur/ConnexUC is automatically registered or register travel manually via UCAway.

One resource available to all UC employees and students is the Crisis24 Horizon mobile app. Download the app from the iOS App Store or Google Play. Create an account. Each campus has been assigned a unique Member ID that is required when setting up your account. To find out your campus Member ID, send an email from your UC email address to the campus Travel Risk Manager to ask for it.  

The US State Department also provides valuable travel tools including Country Information Pages and the Smart Traveler Enrollment Program (STEP), which facilitates delivery of security messages and makes it easier for the US government to locate you in an emergency.

Different UC campuses have different travel policies and protocols. These may be based on the security risk rating or whether comprehensive US sanctions are in effect in your planned destination. If you are unsure what travel policies or protocols might pertain to your travel, consult your Travel Risk Manager.

Those considering travel to Russia, Ukraine or the Middle East North Africa (MENA) region should review the UC Travel Advisories and consult with your campus Travel Risk Manager to understand what protocols your campus may have in place related to these UC systemwide travel advisories. They can also tell you what travel policies or protocols your campus may have in place for travel to countries with a high-security risk.    

UC Travel Registration

Travel registration is an important risk management tool. If an emergency occurs in your travel destination, this is how your campus Risk Management office will know you are there. Travel registration also enrolls you to receive travel alerts from UC’s security provider, Crisis24.

  • Travel arrangements made through the UC travel program, also known as ConnexUC, Connexxus and Concur, are automatically registered to receive travel alerts through Crisis24’s Horizon system, except for SWABIZ bookings.
  • For SWABIZ bookings -or- for reservations made outside ConnexUC, you must register your trip in UC’s travel registration system, UC Away.
  • Travel registration does not guarantee that your trip is eligible for travel insurance coverage.
    • UC employees must be on approved university business during which they will be compensated by the university.
    • UC students must be participating in a UC sponsored or supervised off-campus activity.
    • If in doubt, consult with your campus Travel Risk Manager.

UC Travel Insurance Information

  • Coverage for domestic (US) travel is limited to medical evacuation and eligible medical expenses when you have an accident during or while traveling to/from a covered activity* (conditions apply). US health insurance is the primary source of insurance for such accidents.
    • NOTE - There is coverage for certain students who are injured while participating in certain on-campus activities. Contact your campus Travel Risk Manager for more information.
  • Coverage for international travel is more extensive and may include medically necessary care for accidents and illnesses, mental health counseling, medical and security evacuation, trip delay/cancellation/interruption (conditions apply), and personal property coverage*.
  • If an assignment abroad will last a year or more, contact your US health insurance administrator to see if the policy has a global component. For example, Anthem Blue Cross PPO has the Global Core Program. All treatment received internationally will be considered ‘out of network’ and pre-approval is required for most non-emergency treatment.
  • Travel insurance coverage, including security evacuations, may be limited in countries with comprehensive OFAC sanctions due to restrictions on doing business in those countries. Even if you get a license to travel there, you will likely have to cover any medical or security costs out of pocket.
  • Travel insurance questions? Review the documents under the Resources sections of this web page and contact your international program leader or campus travel risk manager if necessary. For technical support/issues regarding the website send an email to erm@ucop.edu.
  • UC Personal Travel Program- Now UC affiliates including alumni, retirees, students, employees, and their family members can purchase UC travel insurance benefits for personal travel through the UC Global Travelers Insurance Program!
  • Do you need an Insurance Certificate for the purposes of securing a travel visa, demonstrating COVID coverage, or any other purpose? See Instructions for Requesting an Insurance Certificate.

*These are the most commonly used benefits. There are additional benefits that are described in the Benefits Summaries for Employees and Students found in the Resources sections of this web page.