The UCOP People Management Integrated Learning Program is designed to complement the online Systemwide People Management Series & Certificate. Participants will complete online courses individually and meet monthly as a cohort to apply the skills learned. These sessions will include guest speakers, opportunities to share and learn best practices, and additional resources. By the end of the series, each participant will demonstrate how they’ve been able to use the knowledge, skills, and abilities they’ve learned to become more impactful.

This program will give you the opportunity to:

  • Discuss management-related topics with UCOP colleagues
  • Practice and develop people management skills
  • Identity your strengths and personal management lens
  • Share and discuss how to utilize performance management to improve performance

This series is ideal for:

  • Any people manager who would like to learn essential skills that will help them be more effective in leading their teams
  • Any individual contributor who anticipates moving into a people manager role in the next two years and who wants to acquire critical skills in advance to set themselves up for future success


Participation Expectations

  • Attend all sessions. Participants may miss one session if needed. If missing two sessions, the participant will need to complete a “make up course” for credit.
  • Complete all intersession assignments
  • Be open to sharing and learning from each other


2025 Program Schedule

  • All sessions will be held virtually via Zoom from 9 – 11:30am PT except for session 1.
    • April 24, 9am – 12pm
    • May 29
    • June 26
    • July 24
    • August 28
    • September 25
    • October 23


2024 Participant Experience

  • 100% of participants recommend the program to others
  • 95% of participants agreed that the program created a cohort experience in which participants learned from each other
  • 95% of participants agreed that they acquired knowledge to prepare for a leadership role or grow in their current role
  • The cohort rated the program 4.9/5
  • “I loved the whole PMILP program! The facilitators were great, the sessions were all engaging and informative, and I appreciated practicing skills or knowledge on a small group basis.”
  • “I was able to immediately implement learnings in my work and professional lives. The cohort was well organized and I enjoyed it.”
  • “The coaching session was great and provided a great addition to the overall program. I was able to leave with some very practical tips on how to advance or build upon my career as well as some great learning center offerings to try. I also felt very comfortable sharing, in that the session was confidential.”
  • “Amazing program to learn about yourself and others, not just managing people as well as understanding and recognizing different skill sets amongst each other to work better.”

Interested in the program?

  • Discuss this opportunity with your supervisor 
  • Supervisors will need to submit a support form and agree to cover a $100 materials fee  
  • If this program is right for you at this time, complete the program application to be considered 


Application Process

  • Complete the 2025 Program Application by Friday, February 14; both applications and supervisor support form are needed by the deadline to be considered.
  • Applicants will be notified of their status by March 7
  • The cohort will be between 20-25 people and will accept as many participants as possible on a first-come, first-served basis. If needed, priority will be based on management status, years of service for UC, and aim for a diversity of roles and departments.

Questions? – Contact Oscar Lara,

SESSION DESCRIPTIONS – Please note, the following descriptions may shift.


Session # Session Title Session description
1 PMILP Kickoff Deep dive into values-based leadership and individual CliftonStrengths 34 Reports to identify and maximize strengths as a leader in the workplace.
2 Managing Implicit Bias & Acts of Exclusion Debrief the first five modules of the UC Managing Implicit Bias series. Discuss challenges and strategies for mitigating implicit bias. Explore best practices for engaging colleagues in navigating subtle acts of exclusion

Hiring & Onboarding

Discuss how bias shows up in the hiring process and how to mitigate it. Explore best practices in managing search committees and onboarding new team members.

Feedback & Coaching

Explore feedback triggers and how to manage giving and receiving feedback with a coaching lens. Review the GROW coaching model and participate in role plays to practice skills.   

Team Health & Engagement

Review the employee engagement model and discuss its real-world application. Learn strategies for improving employee engagement through analyzing the employee hygiene and BICEPS frameworks. Share and discuss best practices for recognizing employees
6 Responding to Conflict with Self-Awareness Discuss how self-awareness can help make conflict more productive. Learn models that help us understand our own responses to and roles in conflict. Practice addressing conflict using a conversation model.
7 Wrap-up and Professional Development Participants will give a 3-5-minute presentation on the most impactful learnings of the cohort and plan their next professional development steps.

Contact the Learning and Development Team for questions and assistance.