Systemwide Human Resources: UCOP Human Resources
New Employee Orientation and New Employee Benefits Webinar
Welcome to the University of California Office of the President (UCOP). As a new employee at one of the nation’s top research and teaching universities, you have a world of opportunity ahead of you. We offer THREE orientations for new employees:
- MONTHLY New Employee Orientation – This will give you an overview and understanding of UC and UCOP and the tools and resources to assist you in navigating your way around UCOP.
- MONTHLY Benefits Webinar – This covers all of your benefits.
- MONTHLY New Hire IT Orientation – This will help you get situated with IT technology such as Outlook, your Jabber phone, file sharing, and so on.
We encourage you to sign up for all three sessions as soon as possible after beginning work at UCOP.
New Employee Orientation
New Employee Orientation is offered in person every month at the UCOP Broadway building in Oakland. Employees are highly recommended to attend orientation within their first month. Hybrid Oakland employees are expected to attend the live sessions. Virtual orientation dates are only available to UC Path, UCDC, Sacramento and fully remote employees.
To register, please visit the UC Learning Center. Search: New Employee Orientation. Choose the correct date. A schedule is provided at the bottom of this page. If you do not have access to the UC Learning Center yet, please email to register.
Employees who are unable to attend the UCOP new employee orientation can access employee resources on the Local Human Resources webpage and in the Navigating UCOP: A Quick Reference Guide.
2025 schedule
In Person Orientation—Second Tuesday of every month from 9:00am – 12:00pm.
Date |
Location |
February 11 |
Broadway 7001 |
March 11 |
Broadway Conference Center |
April 8 |
Franklin Lobby 1 |
May 13 |
Franklin Lobby 1 |
June 10 |
Broadway 7001 |
July 8 |
Franklin Lobby 1 |
August 12 |
Franklin Lobby 1 |
September 9 |
Franklin Lobby 1 |
October 14 |
Broadway Conference Center |
November 18 |
Franklin Lobby 1 |
Virtual Orientation—On select Thursdays from 10:00am – 12:00pm.
Only UC Path, UCDC, Sacramento and fully remote employees may attend virtual orientation. Register in the UC Learning Center to receive the Zoom link for the orientation. If you do not have access to the UC Learning Center yet, please email to receive the Zoom link.
- January 23
- March 6
- April 3
- May 29
- July 10
- August 14
- October 2
- November 13
- December 11
UC Benefits Webinar
UC offers a rich and comprehensive benefits package. We want to make sure you understand that offering and pick the best plans and coverages for you and your family.
Within a week of hire, you will receive a Welcome Kit in the mail, which contains the following materials:
- Your Benefits at a Glance
- A Complete Guide to Your UC Health Benefits
- A Complete Guide to Your UC Retirement Benefits
- Which Medical Plan is right for you?
In addition to these materials, we offer convenient webinars to provide an overview of the health and welfare and retirement benefits programs.
- Employees who are eligible for Full benefits and Primary Retirement Benefits (Retirement Choice Program, UCRP): First Friday of the month, 10:30 a.m.–12:00 p.m.
- Employees who are NOT eligible for Primary Retirement Benefits: Second Thursday of the month, 10:30 a.m.–12:00 p.m.
How to Attend the Benefits Webinar
- Online: Zoom Link, Join a meeting, Meeting ID code: 951 787 5041
- Audio: If not using the computer audio feature: (408) 638-0968, Meeting ID: 951 787-5041
- Watch a pre-recorded webinar
- NOTE: You have 31 days from date of eligibility to enroll in your health and welfare benefits and 90 days for the Retirement Choice Program (if eligible). The UCPath Center can answer any benefits questions you may have. Failure to understand your options may result in permanent loss or reduction of benefits. You can reach UCPath at (855) 9-UCPath or (855) 982-7284, Monday–Friday from 8 a.m. – 5 p.m.
New Hire IT Onboarding Guide
New employees can now access the IT Onboarding Guide via the Learning Center to help familiarize themselves with systems and software used at UCOP. This guide includes step by step instructions to get started and additional resources for your review.
You can learn more about IT services at Navigating UCOP.