Capital Programs
We support systemwide capital projects.
Capital Programs provides systemwide leadership and campus support in the following areas: capital budget strategy, policy and recommendations to the regents and the state of California; capital project design and delivery strategies, policy, contract development and training; design professional selections; building/safety code and regulatory issues; land use and site planning, long-range development plans, CEQA compliance and environmental documents; sustainability; and real estate transactions.
Lauren Friedman, AIA
Executive Director, Capital Programs
Capital Planning
Manages approval processes for UC's capital program.
Design and Construction Services
Provides guidance, support, and training systemwide.
- Top Destinations
- Facilities Manual
- Construction contract templates
Contact us
University of California
Office of the President
1111 Franklin St.
Oakland, CA 94607
Seismic Safety Program
Learn more about UC’s ongoing efforts to improve seismic safety and well-being of the UC community and the public at large.
Capital Programs Institute
Please see our list of current programs - both scheduled and tentative. Visit our CPI webpage.