2023-2024 by Tony Yang




Asian Staff at Symposium

Mission Statement

APISA promotes and enhances the well-being of Asian, Asian American and Pacific Islander staff, faculty and students through active participation and representation at UCOP and the community at large. APISA sponsors activities that foster inclusivity, understanding and community building about Asians, Asian Americans, and Pacific Islanders.


APISA Started in 2013 as an affinity group and held UCOP events to promote camaraderie and better understanding of Asians, Asian Americans and Pacific Islanders. As an ERG, APISA is becoming a greater advocate for UC employees to promotes its values and goals.


  • Inclusion – APISA is open to all UC employees
  • Respect – APISA respects diverse points of view and encourages discussion on relevant topics
  • Collaboration – APISA works with staff, leadership and other employee resource groups on issues and activities related to its core values and in promoting diversity, inclusivity and equity of all UC employees
  • Engagement & Advocacy – APISA provides opportunities for staff interested in Asian and Pacific Islander issues to engage with leadership on policies that impact AAPI staff and UC staff, in general
  • Communication – APISA encourages open and transparent communication between its members and UC staff in general, and UCOP leadership through its programs, events and activities


  • Promote issues of interest and concern, especially as it relates to Asian, Asian American and Pacific Islander staff
  • Foster relationships among APISA membership and general UC staff who are interested in Asian, Asian American and Pacific Islander issues and advocacy at UCOP
  • Develop a strong working relationship with APISA executive sponsors and other UCOP leadership
  • Provide staff an opportunity to enhance skills, mentoring and leadership by participating in APISA committees and activities
  • Develop activities and events that celebrate the cultural heritage and issues of interest of Asians, Asian Americans and Pacific Islanders
  • Promote data collection, research and publication to advocate on issues related to APISA members and the general AAPI community
  • Promote diversity, inclusion, connection and belonging through collaboration with other identity-based UC Employee Resource Groups and Affinity Groups
  • Highlighted Events: Asian American and Pacific Islander Heritage Month (May) and Speaker Series