Systemwide Academic Personnel
Faculty Handbook
The Office of Academic Personnel and Programs, in an effort to better serve the needs of academic appointees of the University of California, is in the process of updating and reorganizing the Faculty Handbook. The Faculty Handbook is not intended to replace the underlying written policies of the University of California but rather to provide academic appointees with summary information as well as a guide to where official policies and more detailed information can be found. Until the update is completed, please consult the following links for policies and other information affecting UC faculty.
Academic Personnel Policies, Collective Bargaining, and other Academic Employment Information
Systemwide Academic Personnel Manual (APM) policies originate at the University of California Office of the President (UCOP). Policies are developed and maintained by the Academic Personnel and Programs department in the Office of the Provost and Executive Vice President for Academic Affairs. The UCOP Academic Personnel and Programs department maintains the official online version of the UC systemwide Academic Personnel Manual and each campus Academic Personnel Office maintains campus academic personnel policies. The following links provide access to relevant systemwide policy, employment, and diversity information affecting UC faculty and other academic appointees.
- Academic Personnel Manual (APM)
- Academic Bargaining Units & Contracts
- Presidential Policies
- UC Campus Academic Personnel Offices
- UC Recruit for Academic Job Openings
- Faculty Affairs and Academic Programs
- Family Friendly Policies and Programs
Compensation and Benefits Information
The following list of links covers specific policies related to compensation and benefits for academic personnel, descriptions of systemwide employee health and retirement benefits, information on a UC mortgage assistance program, and systemwide salary scales for eligible academic appointees.
- Academic Salaries
- Salary Administration Policies
- Compensation and Benefits Including Health Plans; Retirement Benefits; Disability, Life & Accident Insurance
- Mortgage Origination Program (MOP) - Home Loans for UC Faculty
- Faculty Recruitment Allowance Program
- Retirement Contributions on Academic Appointee Summer Salary
UC Libraries and Publishing
- California Digital Library (CDL)
- University of California Press
- Campus Libraries
- UC Copyright Policies and Guidance
General UC Information
- UC's Early History
- UC's Mission and Shared Governance
- University of California System
- UC Office of the President
- UCNet (information for all UC employees)
- Systemwide Academic Personnel
- UC Regents
- Systemwide Academic Senate
- Privacy Policies and References
University Extension
University Extension is the continuing education arm of the University of California, providing innovative learning programs to adult learners in California, across the U.S. and throughout the world. It is responsible for the design, coordination, and teaching of a broad range of programs for the benefit of many groups and publics.
University Extension teaching staff includes members of the faculty of the University, faculty from other educational institutions, and professionals in special subject areas. For regular University faculty members, Extension teaching is considered in addition to normal duties, and the amount of such teaching is therefore limited. However, appropriate faculty participation and involvement in Extension activities are encouraged in order that the University may maintain leadership in continuing education and share its resources with the public.
UC Division of Agriculture and Natural Resources
Through statewide programs and Research and Extension centers managed by the Division of Agriculture and Natural Resources (ANR), UC engages ANR academics and UC faculty in research projects to develop innovative solutions to local issues affecting agriculture, natural ecosystems, and communities.