Chapter 1-200: Academic Senate

1-210 Membership

Standing Order 105.1, Organization of the Academic Senate, Section (a) states:

(a) The Academic Senate shall consist of the President, Vice Presidents, Chancellors, Vice Chancellors, Deans, Provosts, Directors of academic programs, the chief admissions officer on each campus and in the Office of the President, registrars, the University Librarian on each campus of the University, and each person giving instruction in any curriculum under the control of the Academic Senate whose academic title is Instructor, Instructor in Residence; Assistant Professor, Assistant Professor in Residence, Assistant Professor of Clinical (e.g., Medicine); Associate Professor, Associate Professor in Residence, Associate Professor of Clinical (e.g., Medicine), Acting Associate Professor; Professor, Professor in Residence, Professor of Clinical (e.g., Medicine), or Acting Professor; Lecturer with Potential for Security of Employment, Lecturer with Security of Employment, Acting Lecturer with Security of Employment, Senior Lecturer with Security of Employment, or Acting Senior Lecturer with Security of Employment; however, Instructors and Instructors in Residence of less than two (2) years' service shall not be entitled to vote. Members of the faculties of professional schools offering courses at the graduate level only shall be members also of the Academic Senate, but, in the discretion of the Academic Senate, may be excluded from participation in activities of the Senate that relate to curricula of other schools and colleges of the University. Membership in the Senate shall not lapse because of leave of absence or by virtue of transference to emeritus status.

1-220 Divisions of the Academic Senate

According to the By-Laws of the Academic Senate, Part III, Divisions of the Academic Senate, Title I, Membership and Authority, Section 305, Divisions: "The Academic Senate has ten Divisions: Berkeley, Davis, Irvine, Los Angeles, Merced, Riverside, San Diego, San Francisco, Santa Barbara, and Santa Cruz." Each Division determines its membership in accordance with the Bylaws of the Academic Senate and with the Standing Orders of The Regents. Each Division also may establish appropriate standing committees to deal with matters in various areas, including research.

1-230 Standing Committees of the Academic Senate

One of the Standing Committees of the Academic Senate is on Research Policy (Bylaws of the Academic Senate, Part II, Title IV, Section 200). This Committee consists of ten members, one from each Division, including the Chair and Vice Chair. Members normally serve two year terms and should have served at least one year on their Divisional Committee.

The duties of the Academic Senate Standing Committee on Research Policy are to consider matters pertaining to:

  1. Fostering research;
  2. Formulating, coordinating, and revising general research policies and procedures;
  3. Advising the President on research. Questions of policy and their implementation may be initiated by this Committee, referred to it by the President, or brought to its attention by Divisions;