UCOP Human Resources
On-Boarding FAQs
- What is the On-Boarding Process?
- Once the final candidate has been identified, how long does the On-Boarding Process take?
- As the Hiring Department, how and when do we know the On-Boarding process has begun?
- What is the On-Boarding Needs Form?
- What is the Hiring Department On-Boarding Checklist?
- What does the Hiring Department do as part of the On-Boarding Process?
- What does Human Resources do as part of the On-Boarding Process?
- Who are the Service Providers and what do they do as part of the On-Boarding Process?
- What is the SharePoint Tool?
- Who do I contact for On-Boarding information, questions or problems?
Q: What is the Onboarding Process?
A: Phase One of the Onboarding process encompasses all of the steps needed to successfully complete the new hire set-up process. It includes the identification and configuration of space needs, completion of the background check/new hire paperwork, set up of the computer/phones, payroll and badge processing.
Phase Two of the Onboarding process involves integrating and acclimating your new employee into the UCOP organization, culture, and your department.
Q: Once the final candidate has been identified, how long does the Onboarding Process take?
A: Phase 1 of the Onboarding process can be completed in 10 or more days.. The completion of the background and creation of the offer letter/welcome email typically take between 1- 2 weeks. The actual configuration of the space, computer, network and phone are typically completed within 1-3 business days prior to the new hire's start date, depending upon the date the requests were made. The payroll and badge appointments are completed on the new hires' first day.
Phase 2 of the onboarding process starts from day 1 and extends for 90 days. The onboarding checklist and buddy guidelines will be emailed to hiring managers from HRA once the recruiting onboarding process is activated. Upon receiving these documents, the managers will include buddy selection on the onboarding form. HRA will add the name of the buddy to the new hire Smartsheet for tracking and follow up. HRBP’s will follow up after 1st 30-60-90 days.
Q: As the Hiring Department, how and when do we know the Onboarding process has begun?
A: The process has begun once the Hiring Department's position has been approved. Building Services will contact the Hiring Manager. Human Resources will send an email to the Hiring Manager containing the Department Onboarding Checklist and a link to the SharePoint tracking tool.
Q: What is the Onboarding Needs Form?
A: It is a form sent by Human Resources to be completed by the Hiring Department once a background check has been initiated. It provides Human Resources with the needed information to complete the Onboarding requests for the new hire.
Q: What is the Hiring Department Onboarding Checklist?
A: The Hiring Department Onboarding Checklist provides the Department with the expected events and timelines associated with the Onboarding process. It informs the Department of all the steps involved in the process and who is involved. It consists of your Human Resources contact information, the position/new hire information, the Onboarding steps by provider, deadline and task, and a summary of the Hiring Manager's responsibilities during the Onboarding process.
Q: What is the Manager’s Guide to Successful Onboarding Checklist?
A: This is a checklist of activities for the manager to guide their new hire through in order to help them integrate into UCOP's Culture and their new role. It contains activities, tools and resources for the employee's first day all the way up to their first 90 days. Following this checklist supports our workforce plan initiative and helps managers create an environment that keeps employees, motivated, engaged and productive. The complete checklist is available in https://ucop.app.box.com/file/694998399203
Q: What does the Hiring Department do as part of the Onboarding Process?
A: The Hiring Department determines the space needs, provides Human Resources with the Finalist(s) information for the Background Check, completes the Onboarding Needs Form, negotiates the Verbal Offer and Start Date, and provides their Human Resources representative with the details for the Offer Letter.
Q: What does Human Resources do as part of the Onboarding Process?
A: For Phase 1: Human Resources informs Building Services of the hiring need, creates and sends the Offer Letter/Welcome Email to the candidate, submits the Onboarding needs through the IT Service Hub, and sets up the Payroll and Badge appointments. On the new hire's first day, Human Resources escorts the new hire to their Payroll and Badge appointments and then to the department.
For Phase Two of the Onboarding Process Human Resources can serve as an advisor to managers and Onboarding Buddy’s who are seeking advice on how to successfully onboard their new employees.
Q: Who are the Service Providers and what do they do as part of the Onboarding Process?
A: There are five service providers involved in the Onboarding process:
- BASC-Building Services is responsible for identifying and configuring space.
- ITS Computers generates the Network ID and provides/configures the computer with network drives and printers.
- ITS Phones provides/configures the phone with phone number, voicemail set up/password and display name.
- BASC-Work Management Center processes the new hire's badge request.
- Payroll completes the new hire paperwork and sends Time Reporting and Personal Data Confirmation (iDoc) to the new hire.
Q: What is the SharePoint Tool?
A: A SharePoint tool has been developed providing the key stakeholders (Hiring Department, Human Resources and Service Providers) with the ability to track the progression of a new hire's On-Boarding process.
Q: Who do I contact for Onboarding information, questions or problems?
A: Please contact your Human Resources Assistant.